The displayed Assyrian figurines in Erbil Museum (confiscated)
museum, figurines, the city of Assur, building deposits, the Assyrian periodAbstract
Art is considered one of symbol and language method, as it represents the image of reality to express oneself and the human soul, which has always been known for its love and taste for beauty.
The plastic arts in Mesopotamia are characterized by religious beliefs and social concepts, which were the cornerstones of the arts of ancient human, whether in prehistoric or historical times. The practice of art by ancient human was necessary, as these arts contained small clay works (clay dolls or figurines) discovered in the city of Assur, which provide us with some spiritual and mythological dimensions and could give a logical explanation for the relationship between ancient human and the nature of the universe and the gods.
This study included a group of human figurines that were confiscated by a citizen and are currently on display in the Erbil Civilization Museum (the Assyrian Hall). They are four in number and are in good condition, in addition to knowing their finds, which date back to the Assyrian period, and were accurately described with their forms. photographed and compared to other examples. We have dealt with an introduction to the definition of figurines, their appearance and spread. In addition to an introduction to the German excavations in the city of Assur. And shedding light on the purpose of making Assyrian figurines and the materials that were used in its manufacture
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