Warsaw pact


  • Fatima Hamdan Abadi كلية الاداب جامعة الكوفة
  • Abas Mohammad Jamil Al agha المديرية العامة لتربية نينوى


Warsaw, agreements, the United States of America, the Soviet Union


The years that followed World War II witnessed the division of the world into two camps, different in terms of system, concepts, and ideology. The first camp was capitalism, led by the United States of America, and the communist socialist camp, led by the Soviet Union. He concluded many different agreements and alliances to extend their control over political events in Europe, and among those disagreements was the Warsaw Pact or what is known as the Warsaw Pact, and even what was called the Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Cooperation,In addition, the Warsaw Pact came as a result of the Soviet Union's fear that the United States of America and its alliance would dominate the European arena, and thus its defensive alliance would turn into an offensive alliance. Therefore, many countries joined the Warsaw Pact because they find in it the right step to preserve their interests and maintain their independence. Despite the withdrawal of some from this alliance later, especially in light of the information contained in the alliance in this research, the dominance of the Soviet Union and its control over the rest of the member states, and this is what affected the weakness and disintegration of the alliance, and therefore the complete Soviet control over the alliance led to the emergence of many independence movements And try to get rid of this control, as happened in Hungary, Romania, Poland and Albania.    


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(VOJTECH, 2005, 80).







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