Copts and the Islamic conquest of Egypt in According of oriental studies
the Copts, the conquests of Egypt, Egypt, the Coptic Church, Amr ibn al-AasAbstract
The Islamic conquests, including the conquest of Egypt by the Arabs and Muslims, were the focus of many oriental studies, so we see many orientalists discussing the conquest of Egypt or the reasons for the Muslims’ tendency to conquer it, or the Muslims’ dealings with the Copts.
For some of these orientalists, their studies were objective and methodological, and their analyzes were in conformity with reality. Others did not study these conquests with a systematic, scrutinizing, scientific and objective view, so we see the contradiction in their sayings and analyzes, but we see the difference between their narratives and the historical narratives in the original Islamic and Coptic sources.
This study came to show the orientalists' views on the Arab Muslim conquest of Egypt, the course of military operations, and the position of the Copts towards them.
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