Serenadeb Island Historical Study
جزيرة, سرنديب, دراسةAbstract
The spread of Islam in the non-Arab countries is an important thing that indicates the greatness of this religion and the permissibility of its teachings, especially those countries that entered Islam without military effort and did not reach the armies of the Islamic conquest, but spread Islam through treatment and this is a true Prophet of the Prophet Islam and its teachings, which do not distinguish between black and white and Arab and Ajami only with piety and not deal with usury and truthfulness, the people in these countries are eager to this new religion and those countries (the island of Srdibip).
Therefore, the arrival of Islam to this island was linked to his arrival in India and Indonesia after the Arabs had a close commercial relationship with this island before Islam and increased this link after the advent of Islam and the entry of the people of this island and join them under his banner. So this study (Serendip Island) dealt with the history of this island and divided into six topics or important topics related to the profession of this island.
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