Research entitled (structure of narrative thinking for arabs in the pre-lslamic)
alearab, alasatyr, alqasas, alhayawan, alquran alkarim, alttarikhAbstract
Stories in the peelslamic era played an important role in shapingarab thought withits facts beuefits and intentions ,where retribution deal with human history in there stories from the beginning of creation ,through the history of the phets and messengers, and attention was also focused in the stories that lived through their days and are mied with my and legend ,including arab and non –arab stories ,which were reported through the story of the arab ,suchas the stiry if lbn anaq rustam and esfandiar ,and this helped the days of the arabs to enrich the retribution in formation about the facts if the tribe and heroism of its sons ,as for animal stories, they hada historical impact on the culture of arabs ,especially in striking pvoverbs ,every eample is astory that epresses its importance over time ,it was said (your days hunger follows you ) ,( l have not spoken to me about it or sentences) this is in addition to the importance of animal stories in the holy quran and has has many lessons and lessons ,including the story of the hoopoe with the prophet Solomon ,and the story of the donkey of the prophet aziz and others, and it seems that is aclose connection between the word stories, and it was evidentin the narratives that con firmed this connection the first of which is legendary and they are social stories prepared for the purpose of entertainment , and the second is quranic stories and the pupose of which is preaching and guidance ,the third type of story was apvoverd that was said to address as pescific issue .
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