The historical style of blogging of an unknown author in his book Fath Al-Andalus


  • Wathiqa Hazim Jasim alhayali Ministry of Education Directorate General of Nineveh Education


mualaf majhul, fatah alandils, al'imart


        This research is part of the study of the pattern and methodology of historical codification of an unknown author in his book Fath al-Andalus, which included in its content a historical article on the Arab-Islamic conquest of Andalusia and the accompanying events and then the unrest and strife that followed the change of governors from time to time until they reached seventeen and many, as the author mentions during the period of time extended from the conquest of 22 years until the entry of Abdul Rahman Bin Maaouia and the stability of power in his hand in 138h and mentioned the author for other events that followed.

       The research included addressing the content of the book and its importance in the provision of historical information, then tells us about the history of the book's writing or rather what we can deduce for the period in which the author died, and we deal with by talking about the resources from which the author derived his information and the diversity of those sources in addition to mentioning the most prominent points observed on the style of historical blogging of the author.


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How to Cite

The historical style of blogging of an unknown author in his book Fath Al-Andalus. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 78, 403-423.

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