Perfumes in cuneiform sources
Perfume, Aromatic PlantAbstract
Our available information about perfumes confirms that the people of Mesopotamia have developed an idea of beauty and the tastes of people that serve and elevate the life of man in general, as the cuneiform sources by which the word perfume was written, which is the measure of beauty in a person’s life with power and perfumed with the most beautiful perfumes, at the beginning. We explain what indicates that the people of Mesopotamia have possessed many knowledge and sciences after they knew the nature of their environment and how to deal with it and use what surrounds them, as knowledge and sciences developed, including chemistry sciences, and perfumes were considered complementary secondary materials to build the economy of ancient societies, whether in the industrial field. Or commercial, as well as in the religious field It was used in the religious rituals that are held in the temples, as the temple supplies its needs of perfumes by importing them from the available areas for the purposes of holding religious rituals and cleansing and perfuming the ritual places in the temples and also in the royal palaces, in addition to that perfume was used in daily life on several occasions, including (Urban works, making soap and detergents, tanning, installing medicines, preparing prescriptions, and lighting). It must be said that men in the city of Babylon used perfumes a lot, as we do not have a historical text referring to the use of perfumes during that period, and the research material included two axes: The first axis: perfumes are a language and convention and their name in the cuneiform sources, and the second axis: the uses of perfumes.
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