Political Activity of Armenians in Egypt 1805- 1848m
نشاط, سياسي, مصرAbstract
The Armenians enjoyed political power in Egypt during the nineteenth century, so they turned away from the idea of returning to their country, so they merged into the political and administrative structures more than any non-Muslim minority, which made their position greater in the country, and the Armenian community was one of the most important foreign communities that held political positions in Egypt, A number of Armenian personalities emerged during the first half of the nineteenth century who played a major role in the field of politics during that period, most notably Boghos Bey Youssefian, who held the position of overseer of trade and foreign affairs and was the link between Muhammad Ali and foreign consuls by virtue of his responsibility for managing the foreign affairs of Egypt. On the one hand, and his mastery of many European languages and the confidence of Muhammad Ali on the other hand, this had a great impact on Egypt's politics during the first half of the nineteenth century.
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باللغة الأرمنية
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