المؤسسات الثقافية ودورها الحضاري في بلاد الرافدين القديمة
مؤسسة, دور, حضارةAbstract
- Milkau.F,Geschiehte Der Bibliotheken Im Alten Orient,Otto Harrassowitz,Leipziq,1935,pp22-24.
See about Chronology in Ancient Mesopotamia :Taha. Baqer,Introduction in Art of Ancient Iraq ,Baghdad,1976,pp11-18.
The Sumerian were called wih that name regarding to the region which they settled in their in southern part from Mesopotamia .its called sumer country see :Taha.Baqer,Introduction in History of Ancient Civilization ,Part1 ,Baghdad,1986,p66.
- Taha.Baqer, 1986,p62.
- Fadhel.Abed Alwahed ,Sumer Legend And Epic,Baghdad,1991,p24.
- Milkau,F, 1935 ,p25.
- Taha.Baqer, 1986,p354.
- Milkau,F,1935, p24.
- Muaheed.Saeed,BrieF History of Babylon,Baghdad,1987,p5.
-Milkau.F, 1935 ,p25.
- Taha.Baqer, 1986.p547.
We are mention these people which they lived in ancient Mesopotamia regarding to the another people because the ancient history attested many civilizations in ancient near east .
- Fuaad.Qazanji,Libraries and Library Industry In Iraq,Baghdad,1972,p6.
- Walker.C.B.F,Reading The Past Cuneiform,Brithish Museum Publications,1987,p1.
- Aamer .Suleiman,Akkadian Languge(Babylonia-Assyria) Its History And Writing and Grammaring ,Mousl ,1991,p135.
- Aduard.Keera,Writing On Clay,Translate Dr.Mahmmud Huseein Alameen,Baghdad,1962,p29.
-Pearce,L."The Scribes And Scholars Of Ancient Mesopotamia ",Civilizations The Ancient Near East,VolIV,Newyork,1995,p2267.
- - Aduard.Keera, 1962,p29.
-Pearce,L, 1995 ,p2267.
- Aduard.Keera, 1962,p33.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi,Centers of culture in Ancient Iraq,Thesis–Archaeology Department-college of Art,Baghdad University,1961,p10.
-Pearce.L, 1995 ,p2272-2273.
- Neculas.Buisgeet,Civilization of Iraq and Ruins,Translate Samir Abed Alraheem Aljalbi,Baghdad,1991,p18.
- George.Kuntinue,The Dialy Life in Land Babylon and Assur,Translate Salieem Taha Altkriti and Burhaan Abed Altkriti,Baghdad,1986,p320.
- Neculas.Buisgeet, 1991,p18.
-Walker.C.B.F,Reading The Past Cuneiform,British Museum Bublications,1987,p33.
- Neculas.Buisgeet, 1991,p18.
Shulgi king is the one of kings who ruled in the third dynasty of Ur after his father Urnamu (the king who established the dynasty )(2095-2048b.c) he was managed to control and progress this empire see :Harriy Sages,Grate of Babylon, translate Aamer Suleiman,Mousl,1979,p75.
-Pearce.L, 1995 ,p2265.
See for More Information about kinds of Scribes : Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali , The Libraries in Ancient Iraq During the First Millennium B.c ,Thesis ,Archaeology Department-College of Art-Baghdad,1998,pp17-23.
- Krestofer.Lokas,Civilization of Clay Tablets and Politic of Education in Ancient Iraq,Transalte Yousif Abed Almaseeh,No.61,Baghdad,1986,p74.
- June .Otes , Babylon Photografhy,Translate Samir Abed Alrahaeem Aljalpi,Baghdad,1990,p246.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,p3.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi, ,1961,p18.
- Rufael.Babu.Ashaeq,Schools of Iraq in Iraq Before Islam ,Baghdad,1955,pp6-7.
- Aamer .Suleiman, 1991,p164.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,p17.
- Soumael.Noah.Kramer,Sumerian Their History and Civilaztion and Facts,transalte Dr.Faisel Alwaely ,Kuait ,1973,p17.
- Rufael.Babu,1955,P11.
-Jastraw.M,The Civilization Of Babylonia And Assyria,Philadelphia,USA.1915,p275.
- - Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,pp12-13.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi, 1961,p19.
- Ibid.
- Aduard.Keera, 1962,p189.
- - Soumael.Noah.Kramer, 1973,p331.
-Pearce.L, 1995 ,p2270.
- Aamer .Suleiman, 1991,p165.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,pp23-24.
-Haines.R.C,"The Temple Of Enlil The Structureal Remains",OIP,Vol.LXXVIII,Chicago,1976,p149.
- Fwazi.Rashid ,"Intellectual Shcools in Ancient Iraq",Magazine Afaaq Arabia,No12.3.4.,Baghdad,1991,p115.
-Milkau,F, 1935 ,p36.
- Aamer .Suleiman, 1991,p164.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi, 1961,
- Watheiq.Ismail.Alsalhi,"Architectural Ruins from Old Babylonian Period"Almuraed Magazine ,vol.16,No.3,Baghdad,1987,pp77-79.
- June .Otes, 1990,p246.
-Black.J.A,Tait.W.J,"Archives And Libraries In The Anciet Near East",Civilization Of The Ancient Near East,Vol IV,New York,1995,p2197.
- Hubner.B,Reizammer.A,Sumerich Deutsch Glosser,Band1,Marktredwitz,1985,P421:Borger.R,Assyrisch Babylonische Zeichen Liste Neakrichen,Vluya Liste Alt Test 33,1978,P162
- Hubner.B,Reizammer.A,1985, p421.
- Driver.G.R,Semitic Writing From Pictograph To Alphabet,Londn,1948,p74.
- Abed Alwahab Moadhlom, Ali Muhammed Mhdi,Nineveh,Series of Guieds of Civilazation,NO.1,Baghdad,1971,p9.
Nineveh it is locate on eastern edge of tigris river in al mousl city .
- Ibid,p12.
- Department Of Egyptian And Assyrian Antiquites British Museum ,AGuide To The Babylonian And Assyrian Atiquities ,Second Edition,London,1908,pp16-17.
- Abed Alwahab Moadhlom, Ali Muhammed Mhdi, 1971,p14.
- Taha.Baqer,1986,p548.
- Smith.G,Assyrian Discoveries An Account Of Exploations And Discoveries On The Site Of Nniveh During 1873 And 1874 ,Sixth Edition,London,1976,p2.
- Abed Alwahab Moadhlom, Ali Muhammed Mhdi, 1971,p16.
- Smith.G, 1976 ,p2.
Scott.M.L,Macoinnis.J,"Notes On Nineveh",Iraq,Vol,LII,London,1990,p63.
- Smith.G, 1976 ,p2.
- Ibid,p4.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. Ashurbanibal His Life and Achievements, Thesis –Archaeology Department –College of Arts-University of Baghdad,1986,p76.
- Scot,M.L,Maccinnis.J, 1990 ,p63.
- Abed Alwahab Moadhlom, Ali Muhammed Mhdi, 1971,p46.
- Neculas.Buisgeet, 1991,p158.
- Gorge Ru,Ancient Iraq,Transalte Hassan Aluan Hussien ,Baghdad,1984,p454.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p36.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,pp77-78.
- Jeorge.Kuntinue,1986,p300.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p38.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,p78.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p183.
- Beek,Martin.A,Atlas Of Mesopotamia, Translated by Dr. Welesh,Manchester,1962,p111.
- Krestofer.Lokas, 1986,p79.
- Beek,Martin.A, 1962 ,p111.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p178.
- See For More Information: Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998.p131-155 .
- Beek,Martin.A, 1962 ,p111.
- Oppenheim.L.O, "Assyro-Babylonian Religion",Ancient Religions,NewYork,1950,pp76-77.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p175.
- See About Library of Nabu Temple in Nineveh : Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998.pp157-158.
- Layard,A.H,Nineveh And Babylon,London,1882,pp166-169.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p176.
- Layard,A.H, 1882,p169.
- Rogers,R.W,A History Of Babylonia And Assyria,Vol .1,NewYork,1915,p194.
- Kubie,N,Road To Nineveh The Adventures And Excavations Sir Austin Henry Layard,London,1965,p244.
- Jastrow,M, 1915,p210.
- Smith,G, 1976,p144.
Read,G,"Archaeology And The Kouynjik Archives",Cuneiform Archives And Libraries,Istanbul,1986,p220.
- Smith,G, 1976 ,p144.
- Kubie,N, 1965 ,p245.
- Read,G, 1986, p221. And Smith,J,Op.Cit,p90.
- Anton.Mortgat,Art In Ancint Iraq,Translate Aesa Selman and Saleim Altekriti ,Baghdad,1975,p422.
- Rassam,H,Asshur And The Land Of Nimrud ,NewYork,1897,p31.
- Milkua,F, 1935,p32.
- Parpola,S"The Royal Archives Of Nineveh',Cuneiform Archivies And Libraries ,Papers Read At The 30 Rencentre Assyriologique International,Leiden 4-8 July 1983,Istanbul,1986,pp231-232.
Rassam,H, 1897 ,p31.
- Read,J, 1986 ,p221.
- Streek,M,Assurbanipal Und Die Letzten Assyrischen kenige bis Zum Untergange Ninivehs,II Teil, Leipzig,1916,p357.
- Bezold,C,Cataloque Of The Cuneiform Tablets In The Kouyunjik Collection Of The British Museum,Vol.1,London,1889,p .xiv.
Read,J, 1986, p213.
- Kubie,N, 1965 ,p245.
- Weidner,E,"Die Biobliothek Tiglat Pilesers 1',AFO 16,Graz,1952-53,pp197-198.
- Hnter.Angporg,Orgnaztion of Pubiic Libraries,Translate Abed Alrahman Alshieh and Muhmmed Hussien Alssiad farag,Kuiet,1974,p27. And Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998,pp93-1o1.
- Ibid.
- Meissner,B,Babylonian Und Assyrien ,Band 2,Heideberg,1925,p335.
- Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998,pp102-106.
- Streck,M,Op.Cit,p357.
- Ibid,p355-357.
- Diringer,D,Writing,Holland,1962,p42,
- Kubie,N,Op.Cit,p245.
- Jastrow,M,'"Did The Babylonian Temples Have Libraries?"JAOS,Vol.27,USA,1906,p147.
- Kent,Ch,Sanders,F.K,History Of The Babylonians And Assyrian ,The Historical Series For Bible Students ,Vol.VI,New York,1902,p376.
- Oppenheim.L.O, Land of Mesopotamia,Translate Sadi Faidhi Abed Alrazaq,Baghdad,1981,p27.,
- Jastrow,M,1906 ,p148.
- Awaad.Gorgis,Safes of Ancient Book In Iraq,Baghdad,1948,p50.
- Riadh.Abed Alrahman Alduri. 1986,p239.
- See For More Information: Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998.pp187-218.
- Waleed.Aljader, Sippar Events from history of City,Part2,Baghdad,1988,p50.
- Ibid.
- Soumael.Noah.Kramer, 1973,p254.
The five city Which Remmbered before flood (Eridu,Badtipera,Uruk,Sippar,Shrupak) See :Taha. Baqer, 1976,pP11-18.
- Waleed.Aljader and Zuher Rajeb Abed allah,Sippar Excavations of Eight Seasen 1985,Part 1,Baghdad,1988,p23.
- Aljadir.W,"The Worlds Oldest library ",Gilgamesh,AJournal Of Modern Iraqi Arts ,Number,Number3,Baghdad,1987,p56.
- Ibid.
- Black.J.A,Tait.W.J, 1995 ,p2207.
- Waleed.Aljader and Zuher Rajeb Abed allah, 1988,pp23-24.
- Ibid,p23.
- Black.J,'Sippar(AbuHaba),Vol.XLIX,1987 ,p248.
- The Way of Saving Clay Taplets in This Library it is Simialer with library of nabu temple in Kkursabad (Dur sharukin) see : Qusay Subhi Abbas Aljumiali ,1998.pp151-155.
-Black.J, 1987 ,p248.
- Waleed.Aljader and Zuher Rajeb Abed allah, 1988,p22.
- Black.J, 1987 ,p249.
- Black.J.A,Tait.W.J, 1995 ,p2207.
- Black.J, 1987 ,p249.
- Aljadir.W,Op.Cit,p55.
- Black.J, 1987 , p249.
- Waleed.Aljader and Zuher Rajeb Abed allah,1988,p96.
- Read.J,"Archaeology And The Kuynjik Archives",C
Uneiform Archives And Libraries ,Papers Read At The 30 Rencontre Assyriologique International,Leiden.4-8 july1983,Istanbul,1986,p214.
- Veenhof.K.R,"Cuneiform Archives And Libraries ",papers Read At 38 Recontre Assyrialogique International 4-8 July,1983,Istanbul,1986 ,P9.
- Hassen.Alnajafi,Trade and Law in Sumer,Baghdad,1982,p43.
- Bahejah.Khalel Ismael,"Writing',Iraq Civilazation,part1,Baghdad,1985,p267.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi, ,1961,P150.
- Veenhof.K.R, 1983 ,p12.
- Abed Alhadi.Alfuadi, ,1961,P151.
- Bahejah.Khalel Ismael, 1985,P267.
- Driver.G.R,1948,P74With colophone.
-Pederson.C,Archives And Libraries In The City Of Assur .Asurvey Of The Material From The German Excavations ,Part1,Uppasala,1985,p20.
- Budge,W,Babylonian Life And History,London,1925,p199.
- Veenhof.K.R,Op.Cit,p23.
- Abed allah.Ameen Aagha,Meiasser.Saeed.Alairaqi,Nimrud,Baghdad,1976,p15.
-Mallowan.M.E.L,Nimrud And Its Remanis, Part1,London,1966,pp172-173.
شكل (1) صورة توضيحية للكاتب في بلاد الرافدين وهو يدون على الألواح االطينبة وكذلك على الرق في الفترة المتأخرة وهي الكتابة الأرامية
شكل (2) صورة توضيحية يظهر فيها المعلم وهو يمارس التعليم في المدرسة
شكل(3) صورة توضيحية لغرفة المدرسة النموذجية والتي أكتشفت في أحدى غرف قصر زمريلم في مدينة ماري الأثرية وكما هو واضح تظهر ثلاثة صفوف من الدكاك التي كانت لجلوس الطلبة مع وجود الاحواض الفخارية التي أستعملت لأعداد الألواح المدرسية.
شكل (4) مخطط أرضي للقصر الجنوبي الغربي في مدينة نينوى الأثرية والذي أكتشفت فيه القسم الأكبر من مكتبة الملك أشوربانيبال
شكل (5) مخطط أرضي للقصر الشمالي الشرقي في مدينة نينوى الأثرية والذي أكتشفت فيه قسم من ألواح مكتبة الملك أشوربانيبال
شكل (6) مخلطط أرضي لمعبد الاله شمش في مدينة سبار وفيه نلاحظ الغرفة رقم 355والتي مثلت غرفة المكتبة ذات الرفوف التي أكتشفت في ثلاثة جوانب
شكل (7) مخطط توضيحي للرفوف التي أكتشفت في ثلاثة من جدران مكتبة معبد الاله شمش في مدينة سيار.
شكل (8) صورة للفنان العراقي محمد غني حكمت في غرفة مكتبة معبد الاله شمش في مدينة سبار الأثرية وهو يرسم مخطط للرفوف التي أكتشقت فيها الواح المكتبة
شكل (9) مخطط أرضي للجناح الشمالي في القصر الشمالي الغربي في مدينة نمرود(كالح) والذي تظهر فيه الغرفتين امرقمتين (4و5) وهما غرف الارشيف .
شكل (10) صورة للغرفة رقم (5) من الجناح الشمالي للقصر الشمالي الغربي في مدينة نمرود(كالح) والتي يظهر فيها صفين من الصناديق الأجرية التي حفظت فيها الألواح الطينة الخاصة بالأرشيف وهناك الدكاك التي يظهر جالسا عليها شخص.

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