رحالة المشرق ودورهم في التدوين التاريخي
The Journey, Voyager of the Orient, Historical BloggingAbstract
Journeys of the East were prepared as one of the most important works in history in general and Islamic history in particular, because it contained abundant scientific material that gave us a clear and detailed picture of countries, their peoples, cities and some of their aspects. General or geographical books, and secondary references, as well as adopted by the Orientalist history, who praised these trips and quoted many of their texts, especially those who wrote about Arab geographical literature such as Krachovke and Gustave Le Bon and others, so these trips were among the trips that codified the history of peoples, whether in the social aspect or Al-Omrani or others, and it became an important source on which Arab and international studies relied on knowing the realities of countries in the Middle Ages.
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