The Duality of Religion and Science in Ottoman Thought in the Late 19th Century Until 1914
Ottoman State, Intellectual group, Religion, ScienceAbstract
The modern Ottoman intellectual group, which grew and developed during the second half of the nineteenth century, sought to reform the declining status of the Ottoman Empire relying on the Western model, The science and modern scientific theories were the most prominent that attracted them despite all the materialism and distance from religious and spiritual values. At the same time, the Ottoman thinker was a Muslim who carried a religious heritage and Islamic values that had been instilled in him since his childhood, and grew up on it, and the society in which they lived and wanted to accept the sciences was a Muslim society, adhered to its religion, rejecting everything that might conflict with it. All of this had an impact on religion being present alongside science in the writings of many Ottoman thinkers in an attempt to bring them closer together and find a societal acceptance of modern sciences.
Through this research, we tried to identify the approach adopted by the modern intellectual group in achieving the convergence of religion and modern sciences to make it acceptable to the Ottoman society through several models from the modern intellectual group that varied in the amount of their attraction to modern sciences and their adherence to their religious values, Through their writings, they reflected an important aspect of intellectual life debates in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, in which religion and science were the most prominent vocabulary
- الوثائق:
- B.O.A. (Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi), MF. MKT, 1184/ 7, 30 Rabiulevvel 1331 (9 Mart 1913).
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