عصر ابن الجوزي وعلاقته بالخلافة العباسية
Kings, Ibn al-Jawzi, era, Abbasid caliphateAbstract
المصادر باللغة العربية:
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المصادر باللغة الإنكليزية:
• Abdullah bin Asaad bin Ali bin Suleiman (d. 768 AH / 1366 AD), the mirror of the heavens and through the awakening in the knowledge of the events of time, investigation: Khalil Mansour, (Beirut, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1417 AH / 1997 AD).
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• Ibn al-Jawzi, Abd al-Rahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad (d. 597 AH/1200 CE), the regular in the history of kings and nations, investigated by: Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Atta and Mustafa Abd al-Qadir Atta, (Beirut, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, d. T).
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• Ibn Katheer, Imad Al-Din Abu Al-Fada Ismail bin Omar (d. 774 AH / 1372 AD), The Beginning and the End, investigated by: Abdulhamm bin Al-Mohsin Al-Turki, (Cairo, Dar Hajar for Printing and Publishing, 1419 AH / 1998 AD).
• Ibn Rajab, Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed (d. 795 AH / 1392 AD), the tail on the layers of the Hanbalis, investigation by: Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Salman Al-Uthaymi, (Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Obaikan Library).
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• Ibn Taghri Bardi, Jamal al-Din Abu al-Mahasin (d. 874 AH / 1469 AD), the shining stars in the kings of Egypt and Cairo, (Al-Qaher, Ministry of Culture and National Antiquities).
• Qadhat, Muhammad bin Abdullah, Condolences Ceremonies in the House of the Caliphate in the Last Abbasid Era, The Jordanian Journal of History and Antiquities, Volume 8, Issues 3, 4, for the year 2014, Margin No. (4).
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• Talab, Sabbar, Mahmoud Ahmed, Academic Councils and their Impact on Movement in Baghdad and the Islamic Mashreq in the Sixth Hijri Century, Adab Al-Farahidi Journal, Issue 15, for the year 2013 AD.
• Yaqout al-Hamawi, Shihab al-Din Abu Abdullah Yaqut bin Abdullah al-Lahmawi (d. 626 AH / 1228 AD), Lexicon of Countries, Dr. Tah, (Beirut, Dar Sader, 1397 AH / 1977 AD).

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