The policies of the Safavid Shahs and its impact on the collapse of their state in 1736
the Safavid state, Shahs, factors of weakness, fall, politicAbstract
The policies of the Shahs of the Safavid state led to the weakening of their state and tempted its enemies to plan its invasion and seize the rule in it. Before the contenders for the throne and the women of the Shah’s court, the state was plunged into a spiral and distracted from its enemies and weakened it. The Shah’s failure to continue in power for an appropriate period of time to kill him and bring another one led to the instability of the country’s situation, and the Shahs’ harsh policy towards their followers turned the latter into additional enemies. Within the Safavid state and in general, the policies of the Safavid Shahs were a major reason for the fall of their state.
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