Administrative systems in Egypt during the Fatimid and Ayyubid eras (358-648 AH / 969-1250 AD)
Caliphate, Ministry, Army, Fleet, Sultan, JudgesAbstract
The Fatimids and Ayyubids were interested in the supreme administrative systems in the state, from the authority of the Caliphate, the Ministry, and important administrative systems for the purpose of managing the state in a central manner. The research discussed the nature of the administrative system in Egypt during the Fatimid era (- AH / - AD) and during the Ayyubid era (- AH / - AD) and the most important administrative divisions of the state. The research also shed light on the position of the Caliphate during the Fatimid era, its most important names, and the most important powers of the Caliph. Then we talked about the nature of authority during the Ayyubid era, as the Ayyubids began to rule in the name of the Abbasid Caliph, so the delegation of the Sultanate and the addition of the legitimate character to their rule were issued by the Abbasid Caliphs. The research referred to the position of the ministry, whether it was an executive ministry or a delegation, and the powers of the minister in them. We also mentioned the Fatimids’ interest in appointing competent people to the position of minister, despite the differences in doctrines and religions, most notably the Minister Jaafar bin Al-Furat (d. 420 AH / AD), and the Minister Yaqub bin Killis. (d. 380 AH/990 AD), and many others, which indicate the adoption of a policy of peaceful coexistence among all groups.
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