The struggle for governance between the princes of the Islamic East (290-393 AH) in the region of Sajistan, for example


  • Othman Mishaan Abd Al-Iraqia University / College of arts / History Departmen


الصراع, الحكم, أمراء المشرق الاسلامي, أقليم سجستان



The study that we discussed in our study (the struggle for governance between the princes of the East, Sajistan, for example) explains the political situation of the monarchy that lived in the cities of the Islamic East, and how the conflicts were for the control of the areas of influence, especially the states that were in conflict with each other, and the city of Sajistan is good. Examples of this conflict are conflicts at the level of the internal forces of the city and conflicts with the external forces, despite the commonalities between them such as faith and sex. And literally, because their goal is to reach the ruling and preserve it, and stay as long as possible


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How to Cite

The struggle for governance between the princes of the Islamic East (290-393 AH) in the region of Sajistan, for example. (2025). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 95, 63-90.

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