Establishment and establishment of the Higher Teachers Institute


  • ali Riffat Abd usod Alfatlawi جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية/ ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية/ قسم التاريخ
  • Afraa Ataa Abdulkareem alrees جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الإنسانية / قسم التاريخ


founding, upbringing, the Higher Education House, Ibn al-Haytham College of Education


The College of Education at the University of Baghdad is considered the legitimate heir to the House of High Teachers, which occupied a prominent position in the educational process in the modern and contemporary history of Iraq. This status increased after the House was attached to the University of Baghdad and linked administratively and technically with the change of its name to the College of Education on the thirtieth of September 1958. The College of Education continued its scientific progress and expansion under the framework of the University of Baghdad until its path was subject to confusion after the 1968 coup, as the college was closed in the following year, and reopened in the academic year (1973-1974) to continue its scientific giving and keep pace with the march of developments taking place in the country after the expansion it witnessed. Secondary education and the increasing need for distinguished scientific staff to supply the academic and educational institutions with qualified staff. ), and the Second College of Education, which included the departments for scientific studies and the branch of educational and psychological sciences, and it was later called the College of Education (Ibn Al-Haytham).


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How to Cite

Establishment and establishment of the Higher Teachers Institute. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 94, 577-598.

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