The Failed Attempt to Assassinate Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Izmir in 1926 - A Historical Study


  • Qays Asaad Shakir Humaidi Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Salah al-Din Education _ Samarra Education Department


Union and Progress Party, Republican Progress Party, Turkish Grand National Assembly, Izmir assassination attempt, Independence Court, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


The plan prepared to attempt to assassinate the President of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in 1926 was aborted, as the attempt was discovered by the security and military authorities in the city of Izmir. The assassination attempt was planned by a group of former ministers and deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, as well as governors and remnants of the members of the Union and Progress Party. Despite the discovery of the attempt, it remained in the planning phase only without being implemented on the ground. The plan was exposed due to the postponement of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s trip to the city of Izmir, following the telegram sent to him by the city’s governor, Kazim Derik Bey. Four people were arrested and confessed to planning to carry out the attempt, but subsequent investigations revealed that there were broader opposition groups behind the attempt. It is noteworthy that this attempt came a year after the Republican Progress Party was banned, following the Sheikh Said Biran Balavi revolution in southeastern Anatolia in 1925. Therefore, extensive arrest campaigns began in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, targeting the founders of the opposition Republican Progress Party, and other prominent military and political figures who had contributed with Mustafa Kemal in the War of Independence. A number of people involved in the attempt were sentenced to death, while others were sentenced to prison, while others were tried in absentia because they were outside Turkish territory.


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How to Cite

The Failed Attempt to Assassinate Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Izmir in 1926 - A Historical Study. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 94, 307-334.

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