التربية والتعليم والشؤون الثقافية في ظل نظام رضا شاه بهلوي ( 1925 – 1941 )


  • ا.د. موسى محمد ال طويريش
  • محمد حاتم خلف



Reached the conclusion to a group of the most prominent Alasantajat

1-Reza Shah Pahlavi, the pace of modernizing steps in the field of Education and Cultural Affairs simulation of the West, and put up its own system mimics the West and apply it in the scientific life.

-2 did not take these steps in the field of Education and Cultural Affairs of the final Mdyatea because of religious opposition, which has faced, because pulling out of religious education ESTABLISHMENT it would lose money and privileges are endless.

3-clerics turned into bitter enemies of the regime of Reza Shah Pahlavi, because of the procedures in the field of Education and Cu




How to Cite

التربية والتعليم والشؤون الثقافية في ظل نظام رضا شاه بهلوي ( 1925 – 1941 ). (2020). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 68(الاول). https://jcoart.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/2075-3047/article/view/98