The course of religious education in Türkiye  1980-1989


  • Abdulwahab saleh mahmood الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات


The movement to modernize religious education was an important part of political organizations, and even the most important of them at the level of the Turkish Republic, because it is the basic basis for changing the ancient culture into a culture of modernization to keep pace with Arab and Islamic development in the religious field


The Republic of Turkey witnessed a bitter cultural conflict, centered around ways of renaissance and reform, and how to reconcile Islamic culture with the imported Western culture, due to the intense Westernization processes in Turkey, and for more than half a century a conflict with cultural dimensions within Turkish society, between the conservative trend that rejects and resists all change. In the traditional nature of the Ottoman country, and the renewal trend, which, although it was influenced by Western culture, it considered innovation in thought, jurisprudence, and values to be among the laws and laws that give vitality and life components to Islamic civilization, and part of the renewal trend went to consider being influenced by Western culture as a natural succession between cultures and the best immunity. To address cultural assimilation, identity crisis, and alienation. 


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How to Cite

The course of religious education in Türkiye  1980-1989. (2024). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 89, 347-364.

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