Wings in Mesopotamia Civilization In the light of cuneiform texts and artistic scenes


  • Abdulqadir Hameed Ahmed Al Ubaidi Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Vocational Education


اجنحة, حضارة بلاد وادي الرافدين, نصوص


The civilization of Mesopotamia was characterized by its diversity and comprehensiveness, to include all aspects of human and natural life, interaction with all the details and components of this life,- active interaction with it and being greatly influenced by it, especially the religious aspect (through offerings and incantations), which took a large part of the lives of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.


We have taken in the light of this research the importance of wings in human and animal wings, as the first archaeological indications of interest in birds and their details were received, as in the Nimrik site around 8000 BC. The suites are named after the city of(Adabaki  ).In one of the most important references to wings, they were worn by gods and orcs alike, and these wings were often used in the installation of guardian deities, as in the city of Assyria. And because of the importance of the wings, they were made of gold, onyx and lapis lazuli.


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How to Cite

Wings in Mesopotamia Civilization In the light of cuneiform texts and artistic scenes. (2023). Journal of Studies in History and Archeology, 85, 183-212.

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