كوكب حفني ناصف (1905- 1999) أول طبيبة جراحة مصرية - دراسة تاريخية –
كوكب, حنفي ناصف, جراحةAbstract
In 1922, She received a scholarship to study medicine in Britain, together with five other female students. Upon her return in 1932, She was taught surgery by D.Naguib pasha Mahfuz, to become the first female surgeon in Egypt. She was hired at Kitchener's charity hospital, worked there for 30 years and become its first director after its name was changed to General hospital in shubra and was the first Egyptian female chief physician. She also founded the first nursing school and was first female physician to join the syndicate of medical doctors. She is dead in 1999.
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