Water Resources in Ancient Syria and Their Role in Population Expansion "Historical Study"
موارد, سوريا, انتشار, سكان, دراسةAbstract
The research sheds light on water, which has played a vital role since man set foot on the surface of the earth, and which has become a key factor in the survival and progress of human civilizations throughout history,Human civilizations flourished through the ages in the valleys of large rivers, as is the case in the civilization of Mesopotamia and it is not different from the civilizations that arose in the country of Syria. This is due to their distinguished geographical locations and the abundance of their water, which formed a factor of attraction for many peoples who inhabited it and built the finest civilizations there. On the other hand, many civilizations collapsed due to the depletion of water resources or because of their misuse, especially as it is one of the basics of agriculture and its development. Water gave self-confidence to man and gave him the strength to take responsibility and work to exploit it by the indigenous people
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