الغاية من صناعة تماثيل الحيوانات في بلاد الرافدين
تماثيل الحيوانات, الفن في بلاد الرافدين, الطقوس, العرافة والسحر, القرابين والنذورAbstract
The Large and diverse numbers of artistic productions that were revealed in Different sitesand throughout the ages ,it has great importance in the lives of the people of Mesopotamia,Among these artistic products,animal statues emerged,Made from a variety of materials ,in different sizes ,and using multiple techniques,each had a specific purpose,the religious,magical,and ritual motives were among the most important of these goals,Animal statues were also made for a magical protecting people from evil spirits and diseases,in addition to protecting religious and religious buildings by placing them in front of entrances, and the fences or bury it in the foundations of the building,animal statues were used in ritual practices ,they were presented as offerings and vows to the gods in various forms,these include ritual or votive vessels,or in the form of figures or amulets,they were placed in temples as substitutes for animals or symbols of a specific,it was also placed inside homes for use in magical or ritual practices or as decoration,they were found in graves as funeral gifts placed with the deceased,in addition to its economic importance,it was used in the manufacture of seals and weights,it also played an important role in their social and political life,parts of the furniture of temples or houses were decorated with complete animal figures or parts thereof,such as a duck,a goose,a lion, or a bull,thrones ,footstools,furniture legs,or the heads of scepters carried by the ruler or king are decorated with it,in addition to its importance in manufacturing parts of musical instruments and children"s toys.
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