تحرير المثقال المرادف للدينار والدرهم تأليف الشيخ احمد بن احمد الشابسي المالكي الأزهري الشهير بمنة الله البصير(ت1282ه) لأول مرة تحقق على ثلاث نسخ تحقيق ودراسة وتعليق
mithqal, dinar, dirham, shabsiAbstract
Coins have attracted the attention of jurists and scholars throughout the ages, because they are exposed at multiple times to fraud and minimization, so scholars and specialists in explaining the amounts of dinars and dirhams, and among these scholars is the scholar Al-Shabisi. He wrote his letter to answer a question he received from the Grand Mufti of Hijaz in editing the amount of weight, dinar and dirham
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