Employing cultural heritage in the administration of the modern state in Iraq
Heritage, Political employment, Legal employment, Social employmentAbstract
When searching for the word “heritage” in the Holy Qur’an, we find it mentioned in several places, It is mentioned in the Arabic language dictionaries as well, The meaning of the word culture does not differ from heritage, as will be detailed in the presented research, The Holy Qur’an has urged Muslims to learn about the news of the past, And the extent to which people benefit from it and harness it for the benefit of man’s present and future, In addition to the main goal, which is to study the history of the past and the effects of human thought in search of the truth and provide conclusions of human experiences, Therefore, cultural heritage can be the great source from which we draw knowledge, lessons and experiences in various fields and harness them in building a modern, advanced and successful modern state.
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